2013年2月3日 星期日

對 “宮崎神話”紀錄片的簡短說明

時間過得真快,在二零零九年暑假,在日本九州宮崎大學,我帶著我漢語班的四位有藝術天分的學生,在沒有任何經驗,沒有任何資助之下,製作了這部以我和學生創作的畫作,配合穿插着神話發生地實景的錄影帶,來說明 宮崎神話 主系列 的神話故事的紀錄片。



A Short Introduction to "Myths of Miyazaki":

Time flies! In the year of 2009, at Miyazaki International College, myself and some students of my Chinese class decided to make a documentary film portraying Miyazaki Shrine and the myths surrounding it -- despite having no prior experience in film making and no resources. The film presents the myth of Miyazaki in a series of drawings and video footage, put together by myself and my four artistically talented students.

Four years have passed since it was created, but with the help of my computer expert son, I have finally been able to upload it to my blog. Please enjoy!

