2012年6月27日 星期三

續篇 益活菌

在今年(2012)一月份欄區裡,我曾經上傳了一篇我的親身體驗 “益活菌” 功效的文章;但那時在寫文章時,手中並無對於這種產品的在科學與學術上的資料,最近朋友傳來經過整理的正式資料,覺得有必要補全該篇沒有說清楚的地方,並貼上三種語言的版本,以餉本版讀者及對這種產品有興趣的朋友們做參考。謝謝閱讀。


 1973年、诺贝尔生理学暨医学奖得主、Dr. Karl von Frisch证明了蜜蜂高敏锐的环境感知能力与高效率沟通能力。现今因自然环境的异变与农药的影响、导致蜜蜂的锐减。蜜蜂与自然环境生态的关系是如此息息相关、密不可分。 
 2005年、日本养蜂协会(http://bee.lin.gr.jp/)特别专案请托在微生物防治法领域具研究成果与推广实绩的著名专家--前田昌调博士(宫崎大学农学部教授)以其长期专研之以优势机能菌株来取代抗生药剂抗病毒的最新自然环保技法(微生物防治法/Bio Control Method以帮助解决蜜蜂因病毒感染及免疫力低下所造成的大量减少与死亡问题。
 前田教授(Dr. Masachika Maeda专门研究:微生物学)带领研究团队在宫崎县各地进行菌株选定、实验室比对测试等等..。采集菌株当时其中有一地点位于一养蜂场附近,前田教授观察到,在自然涌出的水源地周围不时有蜜蜂飞来盘旋。当时特别在自涌水池中取样,进行菌株分离、筛选。从数百菌株反复测试时发现其中Pseudomonas 属的新型菌株(MS-1)具有高机能性、证明可以有效抑制病毒
 接着连续数年持续进行大规模动植物露地试验并与养蜂协会所选定之杰出蜂场同步合作进行测试。 2008年新型益生菌株与相关证明资料检送日本专利微生物研究托管中心(NPMD)评鉴审核后列为安全益生菌株。 (依国际微生物鉴定法、MS-1株的16SrRNA遗传子排列情报分析、安全确认完成/日本政府制品评価技术基盘机构Bio Technology Center认定属安全菌株第一级)MS-1新型益生菌株可安全被应用在蜜蜂昆虫、人体保健及动植物、水圈生物等广泛分野。
 前田博士与研究室全员竭力开发之不懈热忱跟民间的全力配合奉献力量是MS-1新型机能益生菌株能被顺利开发的最大功臣。 MS-1益生菌种株也在2008年寄存于曰本国家专利菌株专门托管中心。 (IPOD,NITE/WIPO member ; http://www.nbrc.nite.go.jp)
 优健88[蜜蜂益活菌] 純粹天然健康食品顺利通过核准正式在日本问世。
http://www.asahi.com/eco/SEB200906170047.html(朝日新闻社- 蜜蜂用益菌大发现报导)http://www.yukan-daily.co.jp/news.php?id=7406(夕刊Daily-拯救蜜蜂的微生物发现报导) An environmentally friendly bio technology



 2005年、日本養蜂はちみつ協会 (http://bee.lin.gr.jp/) は、上記の要因の中でウイルス感染と免疫力低下などで起こるミツバチの大量減少や大量死の問題を解決するために、バイオコントロール(従来の薬剤に代えて優性機能菌株でウイルスなどの悪玉菌を抑える方法)の分野において顕著な研究成果と実績を持つ前田昌調博士(宮崎大学農学部教授)に研究を依頼しました。
前田教授(Dr. Masachika Maeda、専門:微生物学)は研究チームを率いて宮崎県内各地から菌株を選定し、実験室で検証テストを行いました。研究過程でミツバチがよく飛来する湧水池に気付き、その湧水から微生物群を分離、培養しました。数百菌株のテストの結果、その中で新種細菌株が優れた機能を持ち、ウイルスを抑えることも証明しました。
(IPOD,NITE/WIPO member ; http://www.nbrc.nite.go.jp)

(朝日新聞社記事―お疲れミツバチにどうぞ 群れを元気にする善玉菌発見)

The development of Probio 88
The story of MS-1
A new functional probiotic strain
(Japanese Patent No. 4913117)
 In 1973, Dr. Karl von Frisch received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. He proved that bees have high environmental sensibility and communication skills among themselves.  The changes of our natural environment are closely related to organisms such as these bees with highly developed sensory perceptions.  
 The large number of sudden deaths and disappearances of honey bees around the world has been a serious problem in recent years. Scientists and honey bee experts have been trying to find the causes of this threatening problem. Theories put forward for this situation have included: low immunity, electromagnetic radiation, the overuse of pesticides, antibiotics, chemical fertilizers, pests and viral infection. 
 In 2005, The Japan Bee Association (http://bee.lin.gr.jp/) proposed a special project to Dr. Masachika Maeda, Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Miyazaki, who is a well-known specialist in the field of biological sciences, and has an outstanding research record, especially in microbio-control sciences. Dr. Maeda has had a long research career in investigating the technology of the isolation and utilization of functional probiotic microorganisms which promote growth in living things, and which at the same time repress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. This environmentally friendly scientific method can provide an alternative to overused antibiotic treatments. It would solve one of the problems causing the dramatic decrease in the number of honey bees by helping to strengthen the bees’ immune system and viral suppression.
 Dr. Maeda led the research team in selecting the strains and doing the laboratory experiments. While collecting samples, he visited a place where a spring water pond was located near a honey farm.  Dr. Maeda observed that above the natural spring water, honey bees sometimes flew around and drank it, so he decided to focus his sample collecting on the water and wet soil around the pond. The microorganisms in the samples were then isolated, cultivated and identified using taxonomic methods. Hundreds of strains of microorganisms were identified and then screened for functional probiotic effectiveness. After numerous experiments, a new strain, Genus Pseudomonas fons strain (MS-1), was found to have functional characteristics and was proven to be effective in inhibiting viruses. For the next few years, large scale field tests were carried out on plants and animals.  Field tests were also carried out on bees in collaboration with the beekeepers assigned by the Japan Bee Association.
 In 2008, MS-1 strain with all the relevant information, including experimental data and field tests results, were submitted to the Japan National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Patented Microorganisms Depositary (NPMD).  After further evaluation and classification, the new strain was classified as a safe probiotic strain. (The MS-1 strain was subjected to 16SrRNA analysis and identification was completed.  The NPMD identified the strain as a safe, 1st level microorganism).  The new probiotic microorganism strain, MS-1, can be widely applied to bees, insects, husbandry animals, fish as well as human beings and biological related industries.  Without the research team members’ great efforts and the full support of other laboratories and the bee keepers, MS-1 would not have been developed and utilized successfully.  In 2008, the MS-1 strain was deposited in the Japan Patented Microorganisms Center. (IPOD, NITE / WIPO member; http://www.nbrc.nite.go.jp)
 In July 2009, after a long wait, a specially designed feed for bees (SuperBee), containing MS-1, started to be supplied in Japan.  Many groups including beekeepers, farmers and honey lovers, have benefitted directly and indirectly from the introduction of this new feed.  This new product has helped to strengthen the bees’ immune system so that bees have strong immunity to resist viral infection or diseases.  It provides a natural method that also inflicts minimal or no harm on the environment: an environmentally friendly bio technology.  
This nature-friendly method ensures safety and the highest quality in the production of honey and its related products.  Moreover, Japanese made honey is strongly recognized as an eco-friendly product throughout the world. 
 In January 2012, the MS-1 probiotic microorganism strain (also called bee probiotics) successfully obtained a Japanese Patent. 
Now MS-1 is also available as a health supplement called Probio 88
An environmentally friendly bio technology

